Top 5 Most Underrated Tetras

5. Black Skirt Tetra The black skirt tetra, or in some parts of the world known as the black widow tetra, is readily available. Younger fish have an attractive black and silver color, but admittedly adults can be duller as the black naturally fades to a silvery gray as they age. However, these fish come … Read more

How To Manage Cichlid Aggression

Cichlid aggression, it gives them so much personality. But, oh boy, it can be a big problem in your aquarium if you don’t manage it correctly. Are your oscars biting chunks out of each other? Does your midas kill everything it sees? Are your angel fish picking on each other? Has your male cichlid attacked … Read more

Can Oscars & Frontosas Be Kept Together?

As fishkeepers some of us like to keep single species tanks, but most of us like to mix and match.  Why?  Because it’s cool to have different fish together, that’s why. So that brings me to purpose of this article: mixing oscars with frontosas; is it a good idea? I’ll break down some of the … Read more

Mutants, Mutilation, Hybrids & Deoxyribonucleic Acid

Wild fish can be pulled from any body of water in the world, and we can be certain its body is suitable for purpose. Can we say the same at our local fish stores? And, more importantly, how do we feel about the modified bodies of our ornamental fish? We have taken wild fish, starting … Read more