It says “About Us” but there really is no “us”, it’s just me.
And I don’t really relish talking about myself, but I guess I have a vaguely interesting story about how I got into running this website. And before this, how I started the Instagram account.
So, I’ve been a fishkeeper most of my life. And, so it goes that hurricanes come through where I live: North Carolina. So, Florence came through. You might have heard?
Anyway, so after Hurricane Florence, I guess you could say I was kinda homeless–or “pseudo homeless” as my husband called it at the time. We were bouncing around between family, friends, and hotels.
As a result I just went ahead and rehomed all my tropical fish. I was able to hold onto my goldfish though, and I kept them in 100 gallon Rubbermaid stock tank under a shed in a very kind family member’s back yard.
So, while I was out of commission on the fishkeeping front, I started my Instagram account–@coolfishnetwork–as a way of dealing with not keeping fish.
On that account I just wanted to post pictures of fish that I admired, and fish that I hoped one day I’d be able to keep. I didn’t expect to get as many followers as I did and I didn’t expect to make contact with so many cool people.
It’s true, the online fishkeeping community really is an awesome one.
So anyway, that’s my story as a fishkeeper and the story of how I decided to start a website about fishkeeping.